您的机器ID号码, 又称设备号, 你机器上雷·摩根贴纸上的位置, 就在全国网赌正规平台的电话号码上面. You can also find this number listed on a previous invoice as “equipment” underneath the item description column for your order.
Your customer number is a number our computer system has assigned to you for database purposes. This number can be found above your company name on invoices and packing labels. If you do not have an invoice on hand and need this number to register for our website, 请致电866-754-7677,全国网赌正规平台将竭诚为您服务.
全国网赌正规平台很乐意帮你搬运机器. Please call customer service at 866-754-7677 and we will connect you with your sales representative who can coordinate moving your machine.
Please contact customer service at 866-754-7677 and we will forward your call to the appropriate person. Should you need a copy of an invoice, customer service can email, mail, or fax one to you.
  1. 请出示您的设备证件!
  2. 最快通过网络 Click Here >
  3. 发送电子邮件至 service@dreamersjunction.com. 请注明您的姓名、公司名称、设备ID和问题.
  4. 拨打免费电话866-754-7677.
RMC技术人员会在一小时内通知全国网赌正规平台预计到达时间, 应该会在你打电话后4小时内到达.
  1. 请出示您的设备证件!
  2. 最快通过网络 Click Here >
  3. 发送电邮至 supplies@dreamersjunction.com. Please include your name, company name, equipment ID and what you would like to order.
  4. 拨打免费电话866-754-7677. 你知道你的机器可以自动订货吗? 问全国网赌正规平台如何!
Ray Morgan supply orders are shipped via either UPS Ground or Ontrac. Your order 会在下订单后的工作日发货吗 and arrive to your location in 1 -3 business days. Upgraded UPS Overnight shipment is also available at customer’s expense if requested.
90%的供应订单都有库存在全国网赌正规平台的仓库里, 会在下订单后的工作日发货吗, 并在1-3个工作日内到达您的位置. Please allow 7- 10 business days for non-stock items to be delivered.
Please call 866-754-7677 and a customer service representative will be happy to look into your order status. To better assist you, please have your confirmation number or equipment ID ready.
IWR alerts RMC via email when your toner reaches approximately 10-15% remaining. The alert tells RMC which toner is low and who placed the last supply order. We will ship the required supplies via UPS Ground on the next business day.
The website provides a confirmation number at the bottom of the page. 这个数字很小,很容易被忽略. 全国网赌正规平台正在努力提高能见度! The order will appear in your online order history once processed by a RMC customer service representative. 如有任何疑问,请致电866-754-7677! We can verify receipt of the order and provide the confirmation number.
Your account may be flagged to require a PO number on all chargeable service and supply orders (based upon your company’s requirements or the contract you have with RMC). Because of this flag, it will require something to be entered in the PO field of every order. This does not mean your order will be chargeable; only that we have been notified by your purchasing department that we must have a PO for chargeable orders. 要绕过这个要求, you may enter your first name in the PO field and we will contact you if we do in fact need a PO number.
你的发票上唯一的日期是发票打印的日期. For information regarding your order, please contact service and supplies at 866-754-7677.
An RMA request can be placed for item(s) being returned by calling 866-754-7677 or emailing supplies@dreamersjunction.com. 如果由于我方的错误而退货, 或者是有缺陷的产品, 全国网赌正规平台将通过电子邮件向您发送退货UPS运输标签. 一旦全国网赌正规平台收到RMA项目(s)回来, 信用证将在你方账户上的原始发票上开立. RMA信用发票将邮寄给您. 一旦您收到已记入贷方的发票, 你可以告知全国网赌正规平台你想在哪里申请信用证.
查找此信息因机器类型和型号而异. 您的用户手册和操作手册应包含此信息. 如果你没有手册, this information can usually be found by searching for your machine’s make and model online. 如果你仍然不确定, please call 866-754-7677 and we can connect you to your technician for additional assistance.
Since February 1, 2012 RMC headquarters has been off the electrical grid! 点击这里 ,了解RMC循环再造及可持续发展的措施! 或者,附加信息
Your contract requires accurate meter readings to issue an accurate invoice.

是的! We offer FREE software which can collect the meter readings automatically from your network connected printers/copiers. If you would like more information on this service please contact Nicolette Barbitta by e-mail at mlor@dreamersjunction.com 或致电(530)230-4809.

  1. 点击这里 然后登录你的账户.
  2. 发送电邮至 meters@dreamersjunction.com. Please include the meter reading along with your machine’s ID number and your 联系信息.
  3. 请致电866-754-7677并要求与全国网赌正规平台的仪表部门通话. 请出示抄表和设备证件!
Please contact us at 866-754-7677 and ask to speak to our meters department.

您的电表读数没有成功上传到全国网赌正规平台的系统. 确保你的浏览器至少是:

IE9或更新版本,FIREFOX 17或更新版本,CHROME 23或更新版本.

Also verify that you are hitting the “SUBMIT” button at the top of the page after entering in your meter. 如果您仍然有这个问题,请致电全国网赌正规平台的办公室.

如果你有一台没有很多拷贝的新机器, 该系统没有任何仪表平均值,以您的读数为基础. 验证您输入的仪表是否正确. 验证后,继续并输入金额并单击提交.
获取如何读取机器上仪表的指示, 滚动到电子邮件通知的底部. 根据型号有说明.
On the machine, look for a “全国网赌正规平台” white and red sticker. Make certain that the machine ID number on your email request matches the sticker ID # on your machine. If you have upgraded your machine for example and the email is asking for your OLD machine, 请与全国网赌正规平台联络.
There is a “billing window” period during which you can enter your meter. If the “billing window” has passed, the system will not accept your meter. 请给办公室打电话解决这个问题.

  1. 佳能YouTube频道
    1. RMC如何视频-佳能传真转发
    2. RMC如何视频-佳能Mac打印预设
    3. RMC如何视频-佳能Mac打印队列设置
    4. RMC如何视频-佳能扫描到电子邮件设置
    5. RMC如何视频-佳能Windows 10打印默认值
    6. RMC如何视频-佳能Windows 10打印队列设置
    7. RMC如何视频打印佳能用户数据列表
    8. RMC如何视频-佳能地址簿设置
    9. RMC如何视频-佳能Mac打印默认值
    10. RMC如何视频-佳能Mac打印机ID码设置
    11. RMC如何视频-佳能PC的IP地址设置
    12. RMC如何视频-佳能PC打印设置与用户id
    13. RMC如何视频-佳能地址簿导出/导入
    14. RMC如何视频-佳能复制默认值
    15. RMC如何视频-佳能扫描默认值
  2. 理光视频网站
    1. RMC如何视频-理光打印网络报告
    2. RMC如何视频-理光扫描到电子邮件设置
    3. RMC如何视频-理光Mac打印队列设置
    4. RMC如何视频-理光Mac打印设置与用户id
    5. RMC如何视频-理光PC打印设置与用户id
    6. RMC如何视频-理光Mac打印默认值
    7. RMC如何视频-理光地址簿设置
    8. RMC如何视频-理光IP地址设置
    9. RMC如何视频-理光扫描默认值
    10. RMC如何视频-理光复制默认值
    11. RMC如何视频-理光传真转发
    12. RMC如何视频-理光Mac打印预设
    13. RMC如何视频-理光Windows 10打印队列设置
    14. RMC如何视频-理光地址簿导出/导入
    15. RMC如何视频-理光Windows 10打印默认值
  3. 三星的视频
    1. RMC如何视频-三星打印网络报告
    2. RMC如何视频-三星地址簿设置
    3. RMC如何视频-三星扫描电子邮件设置
    4. RMC如何视频-三星Mac打印机默认
    5. RMC如何视频-三星Mac打印队列设置
    6. RMC如何视频-三星Windows 10打印队列设置
    7. RMC如何视频-三星地址簿导出/导入
    8. RMC如何视频-三星Windows 10打印默认值
  4. 惠普YouTube频道
  5. 京瓷YouTube频道
  6. RMC视频YouTube频道
  1. 联系贵公司的内部IT支持
  2. 点击这里查看故障排除指南
  3. 然后与页面上的步骤1-3相同
  • 佳能 ImageRunner – none specified – try any department ID first – if unknown a service call needs to be placed to clear the password
  • 佳能IR高级-系统管理器ID: 7654321 PIN: 7654321
  • 理光 -登录用户名:管理密码:*空白/密码
  • 三星A3 -用户名:管理密码:$amsung1
  • 三星 A4 – User Name: 管理 Password:1111 (console) / sec00000 (web interface)
  • 三星打印机-用户名:Admin密码:sec00000
  • 邮箱:HelpDesk helpdesk@dreamersjunction.com
  • 请拨打客服866.754.7677